Plumb: composition, collaboration and molten lead


Isotopica today is a series of compositional performance, plumbing lessons, plumbing lessons that become performance, and collaborations with and excerpts from performances of The Clapton Ensemble. Please do not attempt any of this at home without a doctorate level composer present. (we ended up semi flooded in the making of this episode).

plumb 1

verb      the actor’s attempt to plumb the twisted psyche of Richard III: explore, probe, delve into, search, examine, investigate, scrutinize, inspect, sound out, go into, understand, fathom, get to the bottom of, penetrate, unravel.

elo masing with stringed instrument
elo masing with stringed instrument


the peerless ClaAptOn Ensemble
the peerless ClaAptOn Ensemble
tyszko Written by: