Don’t spend all your art’s council money on a new apple computer, when you can simply build your own far more powerful hackintosh! Using the collective power of the hive mind and communal hacking it’s as simple as asking the right questions and falling off the correct logs. sites like tonymac provide a complete hive hacking information service with responsive forums if problems arise.
it’s much more of a joy to really pwn your own machines and grab back some of the gross commodification of your digital life
In this episode we build powerful hackintosh computer, jimmy fox and i that is.
it’s based around a gigabyte z77 motherboard, an i5 processor (more cores are not required in a gaming machine), a chunck of ram. it boots windows 7 as a gaming platform, Linux mint for serious tinkering and hacking, and the ever sophisticated apple mac os x 10.8.2 for the best possible everyday working environment.
i have scored the build with a probably too quiet yet sensational reworking of Vivaldi’s four seasons from the ever fabulous max richter