a field recording of a moving event in bishops park fulham at a memorial for the local lives lost and the wider struggle of the international brigade in their historic fight against the facists in spain. the memorial was placed by the socialist council in 2007. the event recorded here marks the anniversary of The Battle of Jarama (February 6–27, 1937), which was an attempt by General Francisco Franco’s Nationalists to dislodge the Republican lines along the river Jarama, just east of Madrid, during the Spanish Civil War. Elite Spanish Legionnaires and Moroccan Regulares from the Army of Africa forced back the Republican Army of the Centre, including the International Brigades, but after days of fierce fighting no breakthrough was achieved. Republican counterattacks along the captured ground likewise failed, resulting in heavy casualties to both sides.
i was accompanied by oldest friend john kenton who’s father lou was one of the longest living brigadista, having died only two years ago at the age of 103. Lou Kenton was an English proofreader who served as a medical courier and ambulance driver with the International Brigade and was its oldest surviving member at the time of his death.
the original anti fascist movement made up of volunteers from all around the world were joined by all the allied nations of the free world to wipe fascism away from mainland Europe and the world (except the dark and grey enclaves like Spain where fascism temporarily held sway). sadly the ignorance and fear returns in the sad hearts of tiny men today.